ROG Food Tags Logo

ROG Food Tags is a program designed to empower and educate kids and young adults (and the occasional teacher) to make healthy eating choices.


ROG Food Tags is a program designed to empower and educate kids and young adults (and the occasional teacher) to make healthy eating choices.


This program tags food into three primary colors, red, orange, and green. Red foods are unhealthy foods that are over ten grams of fat or high in salt or sugars. Green foods are foods that are considered universally healthy, such as fruits and vegetables. Orange foods are foods that fit into neither category.


Kids should use ROG because it is very simple but very effective. Kids form eating habits at a very young age. Therefore, it is crucial that kids be taught healthy eating habits at a young age. Learning a language has a similar phenomenon. If kids are taught to speak a language at a younger age, the probability of being successful is much higher. Due to the fact ROG is simple, even kids in preschool can understand how to make healthy eating choices.


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My name is Adam Chinnasami, and I am a senior at Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School.


As an athlete and a student, I have realized how complicated it has become to eat healthy, and as a student, I have to choose practical options. It isn’t feasible for me to eat six small meals a day or to eat raw vegan. So, what’s the solution: ROG Food Tags. How? ROG obliterates deception and makes eating healthy as easy as distinguishing colors (See: What is ROG?). ROG is simple and effective (See: Why ROG?).


I knew that I needed a nutrition program that was simple but also effective. ROG is so simple that it can be used to teach children even in Kindergarten, but it is effective enough that even athletes can use it to reach peak performance (See: Why ROG?).


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Healthy eating is hard, but it’s not that hard. It’s completely possible. Then, why do so many people quit or get discouraged at making healthy choices? Most believe that eating healthy requires tedious math (calorie counting), ridiculously small portion sizes, cooking exclusively home-cooked meals, or eating food that tastes like cardboard. The solution is simplicity. These misconceptions require huge lifestyle changes. Huge lifestyle changes are possible, but they are not very practical, especially for students and parents. Enter, ROG. ROG uses three colors (red, orange, and green) to distinguish different foods. Just look at the labeled color and pick the right ones. That’s it. It’s simple, effective, and easy. Now, ROG it!


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Check out instaROG, click here


Eating is a daily and essential part of life, and as such, it should not be a complicated and tedious task to accomplish properly. Eating should be enjoyable, but at the same time, it is vital that eating be done properly (proper nutrition) because it allows your body to grow and function properly. Therefore, how do we eat healthy and enjoy eating?


Make it simple. Do not worry about the amount of polyunsaturated fat or riboflavin in your food. Rather using ROG, pick a few colors, and you will be making healthy choices. That simple.